
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Free Online Pirate Game: Walk My Plank

Are you savvy enough to join the quest to swash-buckle and pillage your way through the ranks of the greatest scallywags and buccaneers, or are you just a lowly land lubber?

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  • Very good game, horrid staff... They like to micro manage and dictate what their players do. They are ban crazy and ban people for stupid reasons. They edit their forums to the extream, meaning they delete forum posts if they don't like the poster. They also have horrible customer service, they ignore reports and have double standards to the extream. They will ban someone for one reason and let another preson get away with it just because they do not like that person. Definately a carebear game. If you like pvp and to actually fight other players do not play this game~

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/29/2007 5:17 PM  

  • Bad game, don't waste your time

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/29/2007 5:25 PM  

  • yeah, i played this game and dropped well over $50 on addons and whatnot.

    worst decision of my life...

    By Blogger mrshll, at 11/29/2007 9:04 PM  

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