
Saturday, July 30, 2005

BASH Quick Reference

A nice short but informative cheat sheet I came across for BASH. Useful for any beginner to the shell. It contains shortcuts, customizations, piping, and many more. Good to have around while you get used to working in BASH.

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Make your own 80x15 or 88x31 button

Make your own button easy and free. Control colors, alignment, and style with this easy to use and powerful button maker. Especially useful if you are a blogger.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Need to find Wi-Fi? Let Google find it for you.

Google Local can find local wi-fi. Just have the word "wifi" for what and your area for where. It will find local wi-fi locations.

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A Podcast for PSP Hackers

Now on episode 3, a podcast for PSP hackers has been started. The podcast, PSPodCast, covers new developments in the PSP hacker community.

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A Podcast for PSP Hackers

Now on episode 3, a podcast for PSP hackers has been started. The podcast, PSPodCast, covers new developments in the PSP hacker community.

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How To Best Spend $250 on Upgrading Your Rig

Your PC may not be stuck in the technological stone age. So is it time to rebuild from scratch again or does a more inexpensive alternative exist that will not put a serious dent in you wallet? What if we told you that you can take your outdated system and give it a shot where it counts - and all for under $250.

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The original mac mini

In the mid-1990s, Apple took its first stab at creating a small, "cheap" Macintosh computer. However, instead of making a true desktop replacement, Apple created "the Pippin," their first, and probably last, video game machine.

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

VNC For Sony PSP

Based off of the source of palmVNC, you will be able to control your computer via the dpad as the mouse, and a virtual keyboard for text input.

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Brilliant Button Maker

Have you ever wanted to make the small tag buttons that rss feeds have? Well now you can with the Brilliant Button Maker, it allows you to make small 80x15 buttons with your own pictures and logos.

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